<p>The program provides the ability to create a new partition by using
the <i>DOS <A class="glossterm" href="javascript:kadovTextPopup(this)" id="HotSpot37960">partitioning scheme</A><span class=glosstext style="display: 'none';" id=POPUP37960 > is a set of rules, constraints and format of the on-disk structures to keep information on partitions located on a hard disk. There are known several partitioning schemes. The most popular of them is the so-called DOS partitioning scheme. It was introduced by IBM and Microsoft to use multiple partitions in the disk subsystems on IBM PC compatible computers. Another popular partitioning scheme is the so-called Logical Disks Model (LDM) that originates from the UNIX mainframe systems. Veritas Executive accommodates a simplified version of LDM to the Windows 2000 operating system. Windows 2000 and XP support two quite different partitioning schemes: the old DOS partitioning scheme and the new Dynamic Disk Management (DDM). The problem is that earlier versions of Windows do not support DDM. In addition, most hard disk utilities do not support it as well.</span></i>. This operation can be accomplished
with the <i>Create Partition Dialog</i>.</p>
<p class="whs1">1.<span style="font: 7.0pt 'Times New Roman';"><font size=1 style="font-size:7pt;">
</font></span>Do not use the <i>Create Partition</i> function in order to undelete
the last deleted partition.</p>
<p class="whs1">2.<span style="font: 7.0pt 'Times New Roman';"><font size=1 style="font-size:7pt;">
</font></span>The program cannot create new partitions on <i>Dynamic Disks</i>.
The current version of the program supports only hard disks that use the
<i>DOS partitioning scheme</i> (in Windows 2000 and XP these disks are
named <i>Basic Disks</i>).</p>
<p class="whs1">3.<span style="font: 7.0pt 'Times New Roman';"><font size=1 style="font-size:7pt;">
</font></span>According to the rules of the DOS partitioning scheme, the following
style="font: 7.0pt 'Times New Roman';"><font size=1 style="font-size:7pt;">
</font></span></font></span>If there is an <A class="glossterm" href="javascript:kadovTextPopup(this)" id="HotSpot58442">Extended Partition</A><span class=glosstext style="display: 'none';" id=POPUP58442 > is a partition type you create only on a basic MBR (Master Boot Record) disk. Extended partition is used if you want to create more than four volumes on a disk, since it may contain multiple logical drives.</span> on the disk, only three
Primary partitions are allowed</p>
<p> </p>
<p class="whs1">4.<span style="font: 7.0pt 'Times New Roman';"><font size=1 style="font-size:7pt;">
</font></span>The program allows creating new partitions only within blocks of
un-partitioned space. It cannot convert a free space on an existing partition
to a new partition.</p>
<p>In order to start the operation you should take the following steps:</p>
<p> </p>
<p class="whs1">1.<span style="font: 7.0pt 'Times New Roman';"><font size=1 style="font-size:7pt;">
</font></span>Select a block of free space on the Disk Map;</p>
<p class="whs1">2.<span style="font: 7.0pt 'Times New Roman';"><font size=1 style="font-size:7pt;">
</font></span>Call the <i>Create Partition Dialog</i> to set up the operation.
style="font: 7.0pt 'Times New Roman';"><font size=1 style="font-size:7pt;">
</font></span></font></span><b><A class="glossterm" href="javascript:kadovTextPopup(this)" id="HotSpot25402">Volume label</A><span class=glosstext style="display: 'none';" id=POPUP25402 > or Partition Label is a small textual field (up to 11 characters) that is located in the partition's boot sector. This value is used for notification purposes only. It is detectable by any partitioning tool including the DOS FDISK utility. Modern operating systems save it within a file system, e.g. as a special hidden file. Thus it is able to contain a relatively large amount of text in multiple languages.</span></b>. Enter a label for the selected partition
in this textual field. It is an irrelevant parameter usually used for
style="font: 7.0pt 'Times New Roman';"><font size=1 style="font-size:7pt;">
</font></span></font></span><b>Whether the surface test will be performed</b>. Define
the level of the surface check to make the program find bad and unstable
sectors and mark them unusable in the <A class="glossterm" href="javascript:kadovTextPopup(this)" id="HotSpot38302">file system metadata</A><span class=glosstext style="display: 'none';" id=POPUP38302 > The servicing structures of a file system, which contain information about allocating files and directories, security information etc, are named the file system metadata. It is invisible for users and regular applications because its accidental modification usually makes a partition unusable.</span>.</p>
style="font: 7.0pt 'Times New Roman';"><font size=1 style="font-size:7pt;">
</font></span></font></span><b>The amount of root entries</b>. This parameter is available
exclusively for FAT16 file system. Set the maximum amount of files/directories
to be placed in the <A class="glossterm" href="javascript:kadovTextPopup(this)" id="HotSpot52072">Root Directory</A><span class=glosstext style="display: 'none';" id=POPUP52072 > is the top-level directory of a formatted logical drive to include other files and directories. In modern file systems (Ext2/Ext3, NTFS and even FAT32) it does not differ from other directories. This is not the case for old FAT12 and FAT16 file systems.</span> on the FAT16 partition.</p>
style="font: 7.0pt 'Times New Roman';"><font size=1 style="font-size:7pt;">
</font></span></font></span><b>The amount of sectors per <A class="glossterm" href="javascript:kadovTextPopup(this)" id="HotSpot29644">cluster</A><span class=glosstext style="display: 'none';" id=POPUP29644 > is the smallest amount of disk space that can be allocated to hold a file. All file systems used by Windows organize hard disks based on clusters, which consist of one or more contiguous sectors. The smaller the cluster size, the more efficiently a disk stores information. If no cluster size is specified during formatting, Windows picks defaults based on the size of the volume. These defaults are selected to reduce the amount of space that is lost and the amount of fragmentation on the volume. A cluster is also called an allocation unit.</span></b>. Define the Cluster
Size for the formatted partition with this spinner control.</p>
<p><b style="font-weight: bold;">There can only be one <A class="glossterm" href="javascript:kadovTextPopup(this)" id="HotSpot35390">active partition</A><span class=glosstext style="display: 'none';" id=POPUP35390 > is a partition from which an x86-based computer starts up. The active partition must be a primary partition on a basic disk. If you use Windows exclusively, the active partition can be the same as the system volume. In the DOS partitioning scheme, only primary partitions can be active due to limitations of the standard bootstrap.</span>
on a hard disk, otherwise your operating system will fail to boot.</b></td></tr>
<p><i style="font-style: italic;"><A class="glossterm" href="javascript:kadovTextPopup(this)" id="HotSpot22190">Partition ID</A><span class=glosstext style="display: 'none';" id=POPUP22190 > or File system ID is a file system identifier that is placed in the partition. It is used to quickly detect partitions of supported types. A number of operating systems completely rely on it to distinguish supported partitions. Partition ID is saved in appropriate entries of the Partition Table and takes only 1 byte of space.</span></i> is a file system identifier.
It is saved in the <i>Partition Table</i> and is used to quickly detect
a partition of the supported type. By manually changing its value, you
can manipulate accessibility of partitions.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>In order to change a partition ID you should take the following steps:</p>
<p> </p>
<p class="whs1">1.<span style="font: 7.0pt 'Times New Roman';"><font size=1 style="font-size:7pt;">
</font></span>Select a partition on the Disk Map.</p>
<p class="whs1">2.<span style="font: 7.0pt 'Times New Roman';"><font size=1 style="font-size:7pt;">
</font></span>Call the <i>Change Partition ID</i> dialog to set up the operation.
style="font: 7.0pt 'Times New Roman';"><font size=1 style="font-size:7pt;">
</font></span></font></span><b>Enter ID manually</b>. With the spinner control set the
required ID value. It has to be a 1-2 digit hexadecimal number.</p>
<p> </p>
<p class="whs1">4.<span style="font: 7.0pt 'Times New Roman';"><font size=1 style="font-size:7pt;">
</font></span>The operation will be performed immediately after confirmation.</p>
<h4><a name=_Change_Serial_Number></a>Change Serial Number of a Partition</h4>
<p>FAT16, FAT32, HPFS and NTFS file systems include the <i><A class="glossterm" href="javascript:kadovTextPopup(this)" id="HotSpot24444">Serial Number</A><span class=glosstext style="display: 'none';" id=POPUP24444 > In the DOS partitioning scheme, every hard disk and every partition has a 32-bit serial number represented by an 8-figure hexadecimal value. It is stored in the MBR and its value is assigned when the MBR sector is initialized by Microsoft standard disk managing tools, such as Windows Disk Administrator and the FDISK utility. In fact, a hard disk's serial number is not important for most operating systems and software. It is known that Windows NT, 2000 and XP store its value in the database of assigned drive letters. A partition's serial number is stored in its boot sector (in FAT16, FAT32 and NFTS file systems). Its value is assigned when the partition is formatted. It does not play an important role for most operating systems and software as well.</span></i>
parameter. A partition's serial number is saved in the <i>boot sector</i>.
Its value is generated while formatting.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>The program enables to modify the serial number parameter for FAT16,
FAT32, HPFS or NTFS partitions without re-formatting.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>In order to change a serial number you should take the following steps:</p>
<p> </p>
<p class="whs1">1.<span style="font: 7.0pt 'Times New Roman';"><font size=1 style="font-size:7pt;">
</font></span>Select a partition on the Disk Map.</p>
<p class="whs1">2.<span style="font: 7.0pt 'Times New Roman';"><font size=1 style="font-size:7pt;">
</font></span>Call the <i>Change Partition Serial Number</i> dialog to set up
the operation. There are several ways to do it:</p>